Edition, visualisation, traversal

Weighted automata

In [1]:
# We disable autosave for technical reasons.
# Replace 0 by 120 in next line to restore default.
%autosave 0
Autosave disabled
In [2]:
import awalipy # If import fails, check that 
               # Python version used as Jupyter
               # kernel matches the one
               # Awalipy was compiled with.
[Warning] The python module awalipy relies on compilation executed "on-the-fly" depending on the context (type of weights, of labels, etc.). As a result, the very first call to a given function in a given context may take up to 10 seconds. 

Creating an weighted automaton or transducer

The constructor of both Transducer and Automaton take a second optional argument weightset of type str. Currently the weightsets implemented in awali are the following:

  • "B" : the set {true, false}, endowed with and and or
  • "N" : the set of natural integers endowed with $+$ and $\times$
  • "Z" : the set of relative integers endowed with $+$ and $\times$
  • "Q" : the set of rational numbers endowed with $+$ and $\times$
  • "R" : the set of real numbers (double) endowed with $+$ and $\times$
  • "C" : the set of complex numbers (pairs of double) endowed with $+$ and $\times$
  • "N-oo": the set of natural integers completed with an infinite element, endowed with $+$ and $\times$
  • "Z-min-plus", set of relative integers endowed with $\min$ and $+$
  • "Z-max-plus", set of relative integers endowed with $\max$ and $+$
  • "R-max-prod", set of real numbers (double) endowed with $\max$ and $\times$
  • "Fuzzy", the set of integers endowed with $\min$ and $\max$
  • "Z/kZ" (eg. "Z/3Z" "Z/99Z"), cyclic semiring of cardinal k, endowed with $+$ and $\times$
  • "Nk" (e.g "N3", "N20"), the set $\{0,...,k\}$, endowed with $+$ (with $k+1=k$) and $\times$.

Creating an automaton over alphabet {0,1} and weightset Z.

In [3]:
A = awalipy.Automaton("01", "Z")

Adding states is the same as for unweighted automata.

In [4]:
stt_0 = A.add_state()
stt_1 = A.add_state()

Transitions of weighted automata bear weights.

  • The function set_transition takes an optional fourth argument of type str representing a weight.
  • The function set_initial and set_final take an optional second argument of type str representing a weight.
In [5]:
tr_0 = A.set_transition(stt_0,stt_0,"0","1")
tr_1 = A.set_transition(stt_0,stt_0,"1")        # Default "weight" parameter is the neutral element for multiplication.
tr_2 = A.set_transition(stt_0,stt_1,"1")        # In "Z" it is 1 and is not displayed.
tr_3 = A.set_transition(stt_1,stt_1,"0","2")
tr_4 = A.set_transition(stt_1,stt_1,"1","2")
%3 2 $0 2->2 0, 1 3 $1 2->3 1 3->3 <2>0, <2>1

As may be seen above, weights are displayed between <...> and if a weight is the weightset multiplicative neutral element, then it is usually omitted.

In [6]:
%3 I2 2 $0 I2->2 F3 2->2 0, 1 3 $1 2->3 1 3->F3 <2> 3->3 <2>0, <2>1

The methods starting with set_ or unset_ ignore an eventual previous weight. Awali also provides all the same commands starting with add_ which 1) add given weight to a transition, possibly creating it; and 2) returns the new weight of the transition and not its id.

In [7]:
B = A.copy()
print (B.add_transition(stt_0,stt_0,"0","10"))
print (B.add_transition(stt_1,stt_0,"0","100"))
print (B.add_initial(stt_0,"1000"))
%3 I2 2 $0 I2->2 <1001> F3 2->2 <11>0, 1 3 $1 2->3 1 3->F3 <2> 3->2 <100>0 3->3 <2>0, <2>1

For bigger automata, it may be useful to look at its string representation...

In [8]:
Automaton (lal_char_z):	Weight Set: Z	Alphabet: 01
States:{	0(i:1001)	1(f:2)	}
Transitions:{	0--<11>0-->0	0--1-->0	0--1-->1	1--<2>0-->1	1--<2>1-->1	1--<100>0-->0		}

NB: the mention "(i:1001)" following a state means that the state is initial with weight 1001. Similarly, "(f:2)" means final with weight 2.

Epsilon transitions

As for unweighted automata, epsilon transitions are not allowed by default.

In [9]:
C = A.allow_eps_transition() # Copies the automaton
%3 I2 2 $0 I2->2 F3 2->2 0, 1 3 $1 2->3 1 3->F3 <2> 3->3 <2>0, <2>1

Adding an epsilon-transition

In [10]:
stt_2 = C.add_state()
tr_6 = C.set_eps_transition(stt_2,stt_1)
tr_7 = C.set_transition(stt_1,stt_2,"\\e")
%3 I2 2 $0 I2->2 F3 2->2 0, 1 3 $1 2->3 1 3->F3 <2> 3->3 <2>0, <2>1 4 $2 3->4 \e 4->3 \e

Deleting edges and states

Same as for boolean automata

Loading & saving automata

Same as for boolean automata

Access and traversal

Same as for unweighted automata, with a few extras

In [11]:
%3 I2 2 $0 I2->2 <1001> F3 2->2 <11>0, 1 3 $1 2->3 1 3->F3 <2> 3->2 <100>0 3->3 <2>0, <2>1

Functions src_of, dst_of and label_of work just as for boolean automata.

Getting the weight of a transition.

In [12]:
B.weight_of(tr_0)  # tr_0 is the transition s0 --<11>0--> s1

Getting the initial/final weight of a state.

In [13]:
B.get_initial_weight(stt_0), B.get_final_weight(stt_0)
('1001', '0')

Note also that the third parameter of unpack_transition(tr_id) is the weight.

In [14]:
tr_content = B.unpack_transition(tr_6)
print (tr_content)
print ("source: "+str(tr_content[0]))
print ("label: "+str(tr_content[1]))
print ("weight: "+str(tr_content[2]))
print ("destination: "+str(tr_content[3]))
(1, '0', '100', 0)
source: 1
label: 0
weight: 100
destination: 0
In [ ]: